GUTcert Sustainability Check - making corporate sustainability measurable
What is a sustainability check?
Responsible corporate action increasingly determines the public discourse. As a result, organizations and companies are asking themselves many questions about their own contribution:
- Where does our company stand in the area of sustainability?
- How do you measure the state of sustainable development?
- What standards are there? And which of them are sensible and worth paying attention to?
- How do you formulate an ethically responsible sustainability report?
- What information must be covered by a sustainability report?
With the GUTcert Sustainability Check, we support you in a detailed assessment to determine the current status of your sustainable development. Based on all current standards for sustainable development, we evaluate your sustainability performance using our comprehensive and proven questionnaire.
For whom is a sustainability check relevant?
The GUTcert - SustainabilityCheck is relevant for companies of all sizes and types that want to get an overview of their sustainability performance. Especially at the beginning of the sustainable development of companies, it is very helpful to be able to assess which sustainability elements are well implemented within the company and where there is still potential for improvement.
What are the advantages of a sustainability check?
- you receive a comprehensive snapshot of the development status of your sustainability performance
- develop your greatest strengths and potentials with the help of our point system
- you receive the basis for your honest sustainability communication, in which all critical topics are considered
- you can develop the strategy for sustainable management that is suitable for your company
What does a sustainability check cost?
We will calculate the cost of the valuation with you individually. Please feel free to call us or send us an e-mail and we will discuss everything else.
How does a sustainability check for companies work?
You cannot 'fail' the GUTcert Sustainability Check, only win!
The starting point for your sustainability check is the measures you have already implemented in the areas of environmental, social or employee issues. In addition, we talk to the people responsible for the various areas of the company - either at your premises or online via a web meeting.
All results from your documentation and the interviews with your employees flow into our benchmarking tool, which gives you a good overview of your strengths and potentials. In addition, you will receive a detailed report as a basis for further strategic orientation and sustainable development.