Our event experts are there for you

7,100 companies with more than 48,000 employees are among the trade fair, exhibition and congress organizers in Germany. The large number is not surprising - after all, they not only plan and organize concerts, festivals or our corporate events: they are, as it were, authoritative contacts for everyone's leisure time.

Sustainability issues, such as waste and emissions avoidance, global travel routes and resource consumption have been the subject of lively and controversial discussions for years. In this context, large companies and the public sector pass on the requirements for sustainability services to their service providers in tenders for the staging of conferences, events and the rental of locations. And the demands on the business community to increase energy efficiency and become more climate-neutral are growing on the part of politicians.

Solid and at the same time customized solutions for the industry are in demand here: Be a pioneer in the industry and dare to take the step of systematically addressing your sustainability issues!

Certifications with the GUTcert


Much experience in certifying events and agencies


Flexible certification: individual event, series of events or entire company


Innovative training offer for ISO 20121


Fair offers without fine print

Festival visitors on the lawn, violin on chair at open-air concert, carnival

Our service for the event industry

Whether it's a classic presence event as a trade fair, congress or exhibition or a virtual or digital-hybrid event, management systems help you to become more efficient and to meet the requirements from tenders for awarding contracts to your customers. And in many areas, certification as proof is already mandatory: This can concern event departments of companies or also municipalities, caterers, booth builders or event technicians and many others.

ISO 20121 is a standard specifically for sustainable event management. The management system is especially tailored to the planning and execution of events and combines the three pillars of sustainable development (environment, economic efficiency, social justice) in one system.

An important argument in the industry: ISO 20121 has been named by DIN as credible proof for public sector award procedures. The standard is also gaining more and more acceptance in terms of the requirements for the value chain within the framework of the CSR-RUG: With a certificate according to ISO 20121, there are no more tedious coordination loops in tenders from large clients.

Many major events in the sports sector are already certified according to the standard. However, it was not only developed for major events: Any event, small or large, can apply ISO 20121 and clearly commit to more sustainability.

To certify all events, a so-called system certification is suitable - i.e. when a management system is integrated into the business processes in such a way that sustainability criteria are always included in the planning and execution of events and thus a continuous improvement of performance towards sustainability can take place.


Offer of the GUTcert Academy

Seminars on the topic of sustainability

An environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001 or EMAS leads to the proactive inclusion of environmental aspects in event planning and implementation: This fulfills idealistic values and holds material and financial potential. EMAS is also recognized by DIN as credible evidence of environmental improvement in the event industry.

The production and processing of iron, steel and non-ferrous metals involves considerable consumption of energy and raw materials and the emission of large quantities of emissions.

Especially larger companies (non-SMEs) in the event sector have the possibility to comply with § 8 of the EDL-G (Law on Energy Services and other Energy Efficiency Measures - German implementation of the EU Efficiency Directive) with EMAS as well as with ISO 50001 and thus to meet the legal requirement at this point.

Offer of the GUTcert Academy

Address the direct and indirect impacts that your business activities have on the environment. Whether Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF), Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) or even Carbon Footprint for individual projects (Project CF), with a functioning climate strategy and an independently verified greenhouse gas balance (GHG) you not only help to preserve the basis of life for future generations and create trust: With a carbon footprint as a management tool, you systematically identify key CO2 emissions, can identify mitigation measures and implement cost reduction plans.

More information for you on our microsite www.climateneutrality.com or on the Carbon Footprint performance pages.


With a quality management system according to ISO 9001, change and improvement processes become structured, controllable and efficient: It ensures trust and credibility towards the public and in cooperation with partners. The creativity of your project teams and creative minds is not restricted, because processes must fit you and your employees. In the very diverse and extensive network of service providers and partners in event management, a certified management system according to ISO 9001 will enable you to efficiently manage the joint value chain and communication.


Good to know: Integrated management systems and the TSC

Linking or integrating different management systems not only brings cost benefits, but also organizational simplifications. If the various requirements are combined in an integrated system approach, this minimizes the total cost of setting up and maintaining the entire management system. Price advantages of up to 50% compared to the separate handling of the individual procedures are not uncommon. Combining audit dates, for example, reduces the time required to a single on-site audit, the duration of which is significantly shorter than the sum of the individual audits.

With an integrated management system according to ISO 9001, 14001 and ISO 45001, you have already met about 64% of the requirements of the German Sustainability Code (TSC). The decisive steps towards a fully comprehensive sustainability management system have therefore already been taken.

Our experts on site

Our qualified auditors have years of industry experience and speak your language!

Selected publications

Be smart: Benefit from the experience of our customers and concentrated GUTcert knowledge in white papers, presentations and guides on various topics.

Interview Mediapool

Sustainable events with a system - mediapool shows how it's done.

As the first agency in Germany, media-pool received the certificate for sustainable event management according to ISO 20121: A report about the way to the goal.

Management systems for the event industry

Management systems for the event industry - ISO 20121 vs. EMAS

Sustainability in the event industry can mean many things: pure self-disclosure, one of many logos or an audit according to an internationally recognized standard, such as ISO 20121 for Sustainable Event Management or the environmental standard EMAS. Both standards enjoy a high degree of credibility - but where are the differences?

Presentation credible sustainable action for the event industry

Acting credibly sustainably - with system and certificate

What are these standards? Which ones are there and which are relevant for the event industry? How does the standard get into my organization and what is the certification all about?

Guide series on sustainable event management Part 1

How far has the topic been developed in the industry? Where are the opportunities - and what does it actually mean to operate a management system?

Guide series on sustainable event management Part 2

How can I manage an event sustainably and when is an event sustainable at all?

Guide series on sustainable event management Part 3

Operational implementation of a sustainable management system and the PDCA cycle. How can practical implementation work? Which processes need to be defined?

Guide from energy management to climate management

Guide from energy management to climate management

You already have an energy management system according to ISO 50001? Then you don't have far to go to climate management: Our guide shows you how to do this in a structured way - over 5 steps in 14 steps.

Which certifications are particularly relevant for the event industry?