Logistics and freight transport
Almost 600,000 professional drivers (freight transport/trucks) are on the road in Germany (Statista), plus employees in logistics centres and at ports. Globally networked supply chains pose many challenges: Long-term or also sudden disruptions, e.g. due to local hygiene requirements due to infectious diseases, temporary border controls and closures of operating sites require risk plans and resilient management.
The Federal Office for Goods Transport BAG forecasts a "strong rebound" in freight transport for the coming years. The reason for this is, among other things, the dynamic development in online and mail-order trade with a continuing growth in consignment volumes and the resulting increase in personnel requirements in the industry.
The simplest way to provide potential customers and clients with assurances and to survive in competition is external certification by an accredited certification body.
GUTcert - Your certifier for freight transport and logistics
Experience in certifying ports, transport, product and warehouse logistics - worldwide
Flexibility and accessibility - short distances and personal support
Transparent costs - fair offers without small print
Integrated management systems - certify efficiently and save time, money and resources

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Our service for logisticians and forwarders
Are you dissatisfied with your previous certifier? Do you have to wait months for audit reports? We will be happy to advise you on the transfer of your existing certifications in our change service!
Margins are traditionally low in freight transport and logistics. This makes efficient and cost-optimised processes all the more important. Quality management according to ISO 9001 as the core of entrepreneurial action ensures that the services provided meet customer requirements and that risk-based thinking counteracts delivery failures and delays.
GUTcert offers you high flexibility as well as efficient audit planning and handling of your certification. Our competent and committed industry team accompanies you through the entire process with a personal contact person - from the offer to the certificate.
We are experienced in taking over certifications and support you through our change service.
Offer of the GUTcert Academy
Seminars on the topic of quality management
The share of foreign employees among professional drivers is almost 23% (BAG-Marktbeobachtung 2020-I). Ensuring socially acceptable working conditions and complying with occupational safety standards is also increasingly becoming a topic in external communication as part of CSR in the logistics sector.
An ISO 45001-certified management system for occupational safety and health (SGAMS) demonstrates a high level of awareness for occupational safety and health. And the avoidance of accident and illness-related absenteeism in the workforce and low absenteeism contribute significantly to the company's success.
The introduction and maintenance of SGAMS is primarily linked to environmental management. As a member of the globally represented AFNOR Group, GUTcert offers you international certification - also in combination with, for example, environmental or quality management.
Offer of the GUTcert Academy
Seminars on the topic of occupational health and safety management
Freight transport contributes strongly and with increasing tendency to global CO2 emissions. In addition, the logistics sector also causes environmental impacts such as noise, air pollutants and particulate emissions. Innovative approaches to environmental and climate management aim at environmental compatibility and resource efficiency in freight transport. Under the buzzword "green logistics", these concern the entire logistics chain from transport to logistics real estate.
"Do good and talk about it" with a certified environmental management system according to ISO 14001 or EMAS, both are possible.
Have your carbon footprint verified for transport and warehouse logistics. As part of your climate management, this is an important and accepted approach to make environmental commitment and climate targets transparent and credible for your customers and employees.
Offer of the GUTcert Academy
Seminars on environmental management
By introducing an energy management system according to ISO 50001, potential savings can be identified and energy sources can be used more efficiently. In addition, a certified system protects you against the particularly complex legislation in this area.
As an accredited certification body with a wide range of approvals, we issue certificates that not only meet the standard requirements, but also ensure recognition by state authorities. Among other things, we have experience in the certification of international ports, airports and logistics centres - i.e. the important hubs for cargo transport.
Offer of the GUTcert Academy
Seminars on the topic of energy management
Freight transport companies such as freight forwarders, postal and courier services and logistics providers are in constant competition. Companies are therefore currently investing in digitalisation (e.g. artificial intelligence (AI), real-time tracking) and automation. Topics such as supply chain management (keyword supply chain law) and the sharing economy (Bundesvereinigung Logistik BVL) play a role. Some freight forwarders are already completely digital and offer platforms for digital fleet management and route optimisation.
As part of the critical infrastructure, the logistics and transport sector is particularly sensitive to data loss and hacker attacks. A certified information security management system according to ISO/IEC 27001 (ISMS) is a core component of IT prevention and hazard prevention. Particularly against the backdrop of ongoing digitalisation and regulatory initiatives such as the IT Security Act and the European Cybersecurity Act, the certification of an ISMS is becoming increasingly important (BAM study Qi-Fokus).
Offers of the GUTcert Academy
Seminars on the topic of information security and data protection
The integration of different management systems not only brings cost benefits but also organisational simplifications. On the one hand, an integrated system approach minimises the overall effort required to set up and maintain your management system. But you also benefit from price advantages of up to 50% compared to the separate handling of the individual procedures: Reduce the time required to a single on-site audit, the duration of which is significantly shorter than the sum of the individual audits.
EcoStep - Integrated Management System incl. Quality, Environment and Occupational Safety
Competitive pressure in the logistics sector is high. In a practical and compact way, EcoStep supports small and medium-sized enterprises in the forwarding and transport sector (SMEs) to operate sustainably and in a legally compliant manner while saving resources.
EcoStep increases the importance of your company on the market and serves as evidence for trade, major customers, export customers and authorities. With EcoStep you combine the basic requirements of the international ISO standards for quality, environment and occupational safety and thus fulfil the criteria for public tenders and supplier contracts.
Offer of the Academy
Seminars on Integrated Management Systems
Our experts on site
Our qualified auditors have years of industry experience and speak your language!
GUTcert networks

In cooperation with RKW Bremen GmbH, we test and certify the core requirements for quality, environmental and occupational health and safety management systems laid down for EcoStep. EcoStep is a lean, cost-effective management system tailored to SMEs with up to 250 employees.

Business processes in logistics are becoming increasingly digitalised and automated. The security of information technology is thus part of the operational risks in the transport of goods. As a member of the Alliance for Cyber Security, GUTcert wants to make an active contribution to protecting organisations from cyber attacks and loss of operational capability.
Selected publications
Be smart: Benefit from the experience of our customers and concentrated GUTcert knowledge in white papers, presentations and guides on various topics.

Guide from energy management to climate management
Do you already have an energy management system according to ISO 50001? Then you don't have far to go to climate management: our guide shows you how to do this in a structured way - over 5 steps in 14 steps.