Certification of public administrations and municipalities with the experts of GUTcert
4.9 million employees belong to the public service in Germany, employed in 969 authorities and institutions of the federal government and in the Länder and municipalities. A lot depends on their work - which makes the issues of quality assurance and enhancement all the more important. And the demands for far-reaching digitalisation will increase the importance of good quality even more. This is not a trivial task.
In addition to this challenge, the countries and municipalities must make an active contribution to the federal government's climate strategy, broken down to their respective spheres of influence.
It is important to make the efforts credible and transparent through certification!
Certifications with GUTcert
Experience with tendering at EU and federal level
The auditors are familiar with the special features of official structures.
Personal support from a single source
Fair offers without small print
Our service for public organisations
You need to put your services out to tender? No problem - GUTcert has extensive experience in various tendering procedures and portals.
No procedure is too complex - see for yourself and request a non-binding offer.
Regardless of whether it is sovereign competences, administration or organisationally independent scientific or technical units - a high level of quality combined with certification according to ISO 9001 leads to efficiency gains, smooth processes, risk minimisation and an expansion in knowledge management in public units. No valuable information, gathered over many years of experience, is lost any more and the satisfaction of citizens, but also in local business and politics, increases continuously.
Offer of the GUTcert Academy
Seminars on the topic of quality management
The European climate and energy framework has created a requirement that not only affects administrations at European and German level. In addition, national (Climate Protection Plan 2050 of the German Federal Government) and municipal climate protection programmes are moving the topics of environmental and energy management ever further into the focus of administrative and municipal levels.
With the current version of the directive for the promotion of climate protection projects in the municipal environment "Municipal Directive", which has been available in an updated version since 22 November 2021, the topic of certification and validation of management systems continues to be considered as a measure of strategic climate protection with funding.
An environmental management system according to ISO 14001 or EMAS has the effect that environmental aspects are included in the administrative levels: This holds both idealistic values and potential for relieving the burden on your budgets.
The certification of energy management systems according to ISO 50001 is particularly suitable if you have an eye on the energy efficiency of your municipality. The proven system ensures a long-term continuous improvement process that uncovers potential savings and thus reduces costs.
Within climate protection management, greenhouse gas balances (corporate carbon footprint) help to identify target-oriented energy-saving measures and to pursue the development towards a climate-neutral municipality. The Product Carbon Footprint and the Project Carbon Footprint also offer opportunities to get started.
More information is available at www.climateneutrality.com.
Offer of the GUTcert Academy
Seminars on energy management
By introducing an energy management system according to ISO 50001, potential savings can be identified and energy sources can be used more efficiently. In addition, a certified system protects you against the particularly complex legislation in this area.
As an accredited certification body with a wide range of approvals, we issue certificates that not only fulfil the standard requirements, but also guarantee recognition by state authorities.
For example, state benefits or tax refunds, such as the Special Compensation Scheme (BesAR) under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) and the successor regulation to the Peak Compensation Scheme under the SpaEfV are linked to the operation of a systematic EnMS in accordance with ISO 50001, EMAS or (for SMEs) an Alternative System. Our certification is worth your money.
Offer of the GUTcert Academy
Seminars on energy management
Integrated management systems
Linking or integrating different management systems not only brings cost benefits but also organisational simplifications. If the different requirements are combined in an integrated system approach, this minimises the overall expense for setting up and maintaining the entire management system. Price advantages of up to 50% compared to the separate handling of the individual procedures are not uncommon. Combining audit dates, for example, reduces the time required to a single on-site audit, the duration of which is significantly shorter than the sum of the individual audits.
Our experts on site
Our qualified auditors have years of industry experience and speak your language!
Selected publications
Be smart: Benefit from the experience of our customers and concentrated GUTcert knowledge in white papers, presentations and guides on various topics.
Guide from energy management to climate management
You already have an energy management system according to ISO 50001? Then you don't have far to go to climate management: our guide shows you how to do this in a structured way: over 5 stages and 14 steps.