Due to the currently valid special regulations for certification by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) regarding the Corona crisis, it may happen that certificates are not displayed but are still valid. Therefore, please contact the certificate holders directly, who have received a letter from the certification body about the extended validity. Of course you can also contact us directly if you have any questions (info@gut-cert.de / +49 30 233 20 21 0).

Stadtwerke Lutherstadt Wittenberg GmbH

  • Lucas-Cranach-Str. 22
  • 06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg
  • DE

GUTcert Certificate

Number Standard des Zertifikats Certificate holder Status valid from valid until Certificate
B-22-12127 Stadtwerke Lutherstadt Wittenberg GmbH awarded 22.12.2022 21.12.2025 Details