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Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI)

What is the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative?

The Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) is an association of various groups in the aluminium sector that share the common goal of promoting the aluminium industry in terms of transparency, sustainability and responsible aluminium extraction.

Two standards are essential for the responsible extraction of aluminium: the Performance Standard and the Chain of Custody Standard (CoC). The Performance Standard is structured along eleven so-called sustainability aspects, which in turn are subdivided into criteria and cover the three areas of environment, social affairs and economy. The Chain of Custody complements the Performance Standard, is voluntary for ASI members, but is recommended. It contains requirements for establishing a chain of custody for CoC material, including ASI aluminium, which is produced and processed through the value chain in various downstream sectors.

GUTcert, together with its parent company, the internationally operating AFNOR Group, was the first accredited certification body for ASI. The first audits in German-speaking countries were carried out by auditors from GUTcert.

For whom is certification according to ASI relevant?

Membership of the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative is of interest to all companies in the aluminium sector as well as the aluminium value chain in order to:

  • enable the aluminium industry to demonstrate responsibility and provide an independent and credible performance commitment
  • Strengthen and promote consumer and stakeholder confidence in aluminium products
  • Reduce reputational risks related to aluminium and aluminium industry stakeholders.

What are the benefits of ASI certification?

  • Enhance corporate image through external validation of environmentally and socially responsible business practices
  • Assumption of a pioneering role and differentiation from competitors
  • Security through compliance with the requirements of the own supply chain and increasing requirements due to political framework conditions
  • Attracting investors who pay more attention to sustainability aspects
  • Minimising risks in the area of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance)
  • Strengthening mutual understanding between companies and stakeholders through the audit process that actively involves stakeholders


A pre-audit is optional - it is designed to prepare you for the certification audit in the best possible way. You gain a comprehensive understanding of the specific requirements of the standard and get to know our auditors. As a result, you will receive a report that shows you open gaps (gap analysis) in your management system.

Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) certification audit

As a recognised accredited certification body, we verify your company according to both the Performance Standard and the Chain of Custody Standard (CoC). In the certification process, you benefit from our experience from projects already carried out. Through our parent company Afnor, we operate worldwide.

4 steps to Aluminium Stewardship Initiative certification

Step 1: You register your company as an ASI member - this is necessary to obtain an ASI certificate. A determination of the industry class is defined here (Industrial User or Production and Transformation).

Step 2: In a self-assessment, you estimate the scope to be audited. The information from the self-assessment forms the basis for the verification process and is checked by external auditors during the two audits. The auditor also determines the maturity level of the audited area (maturity rating), which is then confirmed by the ASI.

Step 3: After the audit by a GUTcert auditor, the audit results are submitted to the ASI for the award of the certificate. The ASI then uploads the certificate and audit report on its website.

Step 4: If the maturity level is rather low, surveillance audits are carried out in a 3-year cycle. If the maturity level is high, only a recertification after three years is necessary to keep the certificate.

Note: At least one production site, product or programme must be certified to the Performance Standard within two years of entry.

What does ASI certification cost?

Audit costs are primarily based on the scope of the audit. This is based on a complexity assessment and the number of employees at the site. The number of audit days is determined by the Assurance Manual.


Just get in touch with us - we are sure you still have many unanswered questions about this relatively new standard. If you wish, we will also be happy to provide you with a non-binding offer.

The ASI certification program relies on competent and experienced third party conformity assessment bodies. We are very pleased to have GUTcert as our first German-based ASI Accredited Audit firm.  GUTcert are a professional organisation that are able to offer comprehensive certification audit services for our Members as applicable to their Accreditation scope.

Sam Brumale (ASI's Director of Standards and Assurance)

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The GUTcert team has supported the process of the ASI Audit Performance Standard. Hydro Extruded Solutions Hoogezand is now the first extrusion plant in the world to obtain the certification, and we would like to thank GUTcert and their auditors for the good cooperation.

Ing. Jan de Hoop MBA (Hydro Extruded Solutions Hoogezand B.V.)

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By deciding in favour of GUTcert, we had an experienced partner at our side during the auditing phase to bring valuable impetus into the company with this new certification standard. Last but not least, the open and trusting relationship with the auditor was important. All of this fitted together and led to success.

Stefan Rohrmus (Schüco International KG)

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